The richest, most spoiled and outrageously treated dogs in America

Report from August 29

Daddy hates trucks, but because he had to haul a bunch of junk he drove this Range Rover home, we kinda like it, ’cause it makes us feel bigger Dixie hogs all the air. We live to ride! Daddy, the pizza man is here! Willie is a lazy bone, he sleeps in daddy’s office mostly […]

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Report from August 10

Daddy has agreed to let us sending you updates, its 4 weeks since the last one. He says he is too busy (he pushes the keys, cause we cant spell yet, but we choose the pictures). Daddy please hurry with the doughnuts. We only get doughnuts on Wednesdays, because he says all 3 of us […]

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Report from July 11, 2007

Daddy hasnt been letting us sending you updates, its been almost 6 weeks since he allowed us to send one. He says he is too busy (he pushes the keys, cause we cant spell yet, but we choose the pictures). Daddy says I am not smart enough yet to do the Google Crap, but he […]

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