The richest, most spoiled and outrageously treated dogs in America

Lance Eats On The Table!

Lance eats on the table! he eats pretty slow, he’s our new foster brother. He’s a tiny little thing, he only weights 8 lbs and he’s already a year old. Dixie is VERY jealous. Cavaliers average weight is 14-17 lbs. Daddy keeps us on a strict diet, and we weigh 19 lbs, but haven’t gained […]

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The Babies You Tube Video!!

Daddy wanted to show the new Cavalier rescue, Ali, and how smart we all are, with a video he posted on youtube. we are highly trained! We even wait to eat until he says go, and that’s with all 3 of us together. We are all sweet (well, Dixie is a bitch  sometimes), and get […]

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