The richest, most spoiled and outrageously treated dogs in America

Willie is Brown Nosing!

Willie is a big suck up, he gets up beside daddy at work and snuggles. I don’t like it, cause he thinks he can get bigger bones that way.    

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Willie is a Goofball!

Willie is so goofy. Here he is at his birthday party, with a dumb hat on. The cake was yummy!    

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Willie is shaking off the snow we are getting here in Texas in August! Well…. this is an old picture, daddy said you wouldn’t go for it, and that it wasn’t nice to fib. This was last winter, but daddy saved it so we could look at it when it was hot. Willie is shaking […]

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Can We Eat At Petco Daddy?!

We love going to Petco, and daddy lets us scare all the lizards, rats and other animals. He says we cant eat them, but we can dream! Willie says he can run faster than any rat. I just listen to him, cause he’s sweet, but he is a slug at catching things.  

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Megan Our Wonderful Sister

This is Megan, our wonderful sister. She is very sweet, and never causes trouble. She was very sick about 6 months back, with a neurological problem, but got better. You can read about her medical issues in the blog here. She looks silly, with that hat on at Willie’s birthday party, doesn’t she?    

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